Monthly Archives: April 2016

Hair Raising Results from Toilet Paper

If you didn’t already know, the real reason toilet paper was created was for hair curling purposes and not for the other reason we thought it was designed for. Women and men have apparently been creating locks with the aid of toilet paper for years. China has heard of this hair curling method and […]

By |April 12th, 2016|Poulton Plumbing News|Comments Off on Hair Raising Results from Toilet Paper

Hard and Soft water – You must be joking!

It is strange to think that there is such a thing as hard and soft water. Most people think of water or fluids as thick or thin depending on its consistency. Yet, it is true that water can be described as soft or hard. You may even have read that water in your area […]

By |April 12th, 2016|Poulton Plumbing News|Comments Off on Hard and Soft water – You must be joking!

Greater Access to a Mobile Phone than a Toilet!

It is a crazy fact but a true one.

India is hitting the headlines this week yet again for its sanitation problems. In 2012 it was reported that nearly 1.2 billion people living in India have no access to a toilet at home. With poor sanitation comes the inevitable contamination of food and other ugly […]

By |April 12th, 2016|Poulton Plumbing News|Comments Off on Greater Access to a Mobile Phone than a Toilet!

Washing Machine Tip to Beat Bad Odours

Have you ever come to collect your washing from your washing machine and as you open the door you instantly detect a musty smell? Something is clearly not right. Clean washing is a really pleasant and homely smell. To be robbed of a pleasant smell in exchange for a musty one is annoying. So […]

By |April 1st, 2016|Poulton Plumbing News|Comments Off on Washing Machine Tip to Beat Bad Odours