A scary prospect indeed is a world without rain. Water has always fallen, especially in England. Could we really run out of water, something that sustains our very life on Earth?

According to records, for many countries the average number of days without rain is rapidly on the increase. In Britain it may seem like it is always raining but in reality most of the rain is through the traditional winter and autumn months. There is some evidence to suggest that in the summer months rainfall is actually reducing compared to past years. This is of course the main challenge because having sufficient water during the hotter months in which to clean the car and water the garden is essential.

We cannot foretell the future but we can put in place practical things to save the water we have when it does fall. This will prove practical and environmentally friendly. See the water saving tips below.

6 Water saving tips for the garden

  • Use a rain catchment device so that you can use the water again
  • Use a rain gauge to measure how much rain your garden has already received and then water less after the rain has fallen
  • Use a shut off nozzle for your hosepipe
  • Use a hose-faucet timer
  • Install water irrigation devices that are more efficient (drip irrigation/soaker hoses)
  • Water early in the morning or later in the afternoon, doing this will mean that less water will evaporate and be lost