NHS Cash Boost Worth the Wait?

NHS is set to receive a 4 billion pound increase in funding under the latest budget. That is surely good news for everybody including the residents of Blackpool. You may recall the tremendous pressure the NHS was put under when several years back it had to find 22 billion pounds worth of efficiencies. Thankfully the NHS is receiving further investment that it desperately needs in order to avoid further decline. When was the last time you needed to go to hospital to receive important medical care? How long did it take to receive treatment? It can take as long as 4 months before you receive elective care. In theory your condition should not be life threatening but even then, it is a long time to wait, during which time you may be experiencing considerable discomfort. Imagine you had to wait 4 months before you could see a plumber!

4th Emergency Service – Blackpool Plumbers

Blackpool plumbers Poulton Plumbing are committed to responding quickly to your calls especially if it is an emergency. You will not have to wait 4 months to see one of their Blackpool plumbers. In fact, depending on the problem, you may not need to wait 4 days! In some cases, they will be with you within 4 hours. The best thing to do though, is as soon you realise you need a plumber, do not delay. Get in touch with your local Blackpool plumber Poulton Plumbing immediately and they will be very happy to schedule a call. When you speak to someone on the team, they will advise you when they can visit and even what you may be able to do in the meantime. They may not be quite like the NHS 111 service but then again you will not be ‘triaged’ and have to wait a long time. Click here it get in touch.