Will the Plumber Flood your Home?

If you type in flooding and plumbing into the internet the first images that you will see are not those of homeowners causing flooding but those of so called ‘plumbers’ causing major floods. You will read titles such as ‘Plumber Causes Major Flood in Apartment’ and ‘Crazy Plumber Comes to Fix Leak and causes Major Flood’. It is a scary thought that you may call your local Blackpool plumber because you have a water leak and after he goes you are left with a flood crisis. So it is a valid question to ask then ‘will the plumber flood your home?’ Why do these horror stories even exist and how can you choose the right plumber?

How to get a Plumber in Blackpool you can Trust?

No one’s perfect and, of course, small mistakes may happen from time to time even with a professional tradesman. However, flooding a home and causing bigger problems than there were at first is a definite ‘not ok.’ How can you choose a professional Blackpool plumber that you can trust?

  1. They may say they are professional but for how long? Check how long they have been plumbing for before you make an appointment.
  2. What are their actual qualifications?
  3. Is the work guaranteed?
  4. What do their customers say? Read customer comments on their websites.

Whichever plumber in Blackpool you decide to use is of course a personal decision. However, Poulton Plumbing is happy to share all of their information and credentials on this website for all to peruse before appointments are made. Poulton Plumbing is also happy to discuss any plumbing problems over the phone before making an appointment. Costs are always reasonably reflected in the time and quality of the work carried out.